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ESG Across the Pond: Variances Between New York and UK

The ESG hiring landscapes in London and New York both exhibit a significant demand for experienced professionals. London, a long standing hub for sustainable finance and responsible investment, has seen sustained growth despite challenging landscapes marked by hiring freezes and smaller budgets. Despite its position in the ESG space, the London market moves at an arguably slower pace compared to New York, attributable to differences in hiring processes and the prevailing economic situation.


In comparison, New York is catching up and we’ve seen a strong demand in their ESG hiring landscape. The city's increasing focus on corporate responsibility and sustainable practices have heightened the need for professional’s who are adept at navigating the intricate frameworks of ESG considerations. Notably, ESG teams in New York still appear to be relatively smaller, but are growing quickly with their faster recruitment processes, and characterised by highly committed managers integral to advancing the sustainability agenda.


London and New York underscore the global momentum propelling businesses towards sustainable practices, emphasizing the vital role of skilled professionals including dedicated managers, in facilitating this transition. As both cities navigate the evolving landscape of sustainable finance, the demand for expertise in ESG principles continues to shape the trajectory of these financial hubs. We’re seeing a clear trend in speed vs scale and it’s a pivotal time in both markets.

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